3 Things I Do To Stay Cool On Facebook

Let's jump right in:


1.I never assume anyone's status is about me.


Let's face it. That's pretty vain anyway lol. I'm old school. I believe in addressing someone face to face. Anything other than that is childish to me. I don't believe in making subliminal statuses about people.


(SideBar) I'm a direct person and sometimes people are intimidated by that. I really don't mean any harm though. I just believe in being honest but I've found that many people would rather be lied to instead. I've grown in tactfully being honest but I can occasionally miss the mark on that.


2. If I see something that irritates me I immediately close Facebook.


Having a peace of mind is priceless. I'm growing out of the stage were I ALLOW myself to be irritated by someone else's actions.


3. Utilize the unfriend button or mute their status updates.


Instead of allowing myself to start viewing someone in a negative light who I may not really know, I'll just unfriend them or mute their status. Easy peasy.

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